About Me

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Hi, my name is Nastassia, pronounced nuh-sta(like stop w/o the p)-sha(like shuck w/o the ck). I am 18 years old an just recently moved to La Crosse for college, leaving all of my family in our "don't blink or you'll miss it" small town.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Burst My Bubble- A Ranting and Opinion of a Nastassia!

Do you know what really bursts my bubble? No, of course you don’t, which is why I’m about to tell you. The laziness the human race is developing lately. You’d think that overtime, as technology advances, the human race would as well. In reality, we are all just becoming lazier, allowing these electronic instruments to do our work for us. For example, the English language as been adapted and changed many times, but now we just barely speak. We use some sort of a computer for all types of communication, like right now! I find a lot of this very lazy and rude. Even when using computers, or cell phones with texting, we don’t use full sentences. Now, don’t get me wrong, I definitely do not expect you to walk around saying things like thee, thy, or thou. I mean, how hard is it really, to use full sentences? Another irritating thing about communication that I dislike is when people answer a question with, not only a question, but the same question! Since when is “What’s up?” considered a conversation? Apparently, since people decided to reply “What’s up?” to “What’s up?” Take the time to socialize. We have all these advanced technologies for entertainment when we’re bored, but people don’t realize that talking to one another is a great way to entertain oneself without spending outrageous amounts of dollars. People can be really smart, when given the chance, and it’s a shame that they don’t use their brains for conversing with others. Now, I know a lot of you are probably thinking of someone you’ve heard speak, and are thinking that you wouldn’t give the time of day, but just forget about that person right now. I actually like having conversations with people and it’s hard to believe that someone would give up that time to rush off to be early to a class they don’t want to be in, or go to a job they hate. An actual conversation that uses full sentences really doesn’t take that much time, so spend a minute or two with someone. Ask them “What’s up?” and pay attention to what they say.