About Me

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Hi, my name is Nastassia, pronounced nuh-sta(like stop w/o the p)-sha(like shuck w/o the ck). I am 18 years old an just recently moved to La Crosse for college, leaving all of my family in our "don't blink or you'll miss it" small town.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Burst My Bubble- Another Ranting of a Nastassia

I am now going to discuss my distress over people/family members telling me what to do. I especially get distressed since I am an adult (legally), or when someone is leading a full life as an adult and is still told what to do like a child. I'm not talking about giant decisions like cross-country moves or anything, but the little decisions like where you want to eat, what movie to go see, what to do in your spare time, or something trivial like smoking a cig. Or what college to go to that seems to be a big one with input from a lot of people. Now I understand that the examples I've given are kind of lame, however, the absolutely awesome example I had thought of was, quite honestly, forgotten by the time I got to this point in typing this blog entry and I didn't even think to write it down. There are harder decisions made for you that I am not mentioning, and maybe you are thinking of them now, but I'm not trying to get too deep into any teenage qualms. The fact that those decisions are not left to us is something that definitely bursts my bubble. I, for example, am 18 years old and think some decisions we make now (little ones mind you), are not going to change the whole imaginative course my life seems to be set upon. When does that certain maturity hit you, what age is it finally 'okay' to make your own decisions? And I'm not saying that everything told to me by older loved ones is wrong, but do I really need their input in everything? Can't they remember that they've had a hand in raising me for 18 years and shouldn't they trust that they raised me to be a responsible and trustworthy adult, one worthy to become a productive member of society? Maybe I'm being petty, and foolish, but that's how I feel about that. And if you were to read this, by all means, substitute your own age in place of mine, I'm sure this can't be the feeling of only one person, let alone one 18 year old. I hope you enjoyed reading my venting, stay tuned for a new episode next week! :D